Tag Archives: Human Rights Center

From Fellow to Regional INL Director, Tony Fernandes Returns to the U of M

 U of M Law School graduate and former Human Rights Fellow Tony Fernandes returned to the Human Rights Center to discuss his role as Director for Africa and Middle East Programs in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL/AME) at the U.S. Department of State. The agency assists local law enforcement agencies with transnational threats, including organized crime, human trafficking, and recently wildlife trafficking. His division works in around 30 countries. The INL/AME has built up a slate of capacity-building they can offer, but will only do so upon the partner nation’s request.

For example, his division has assisted the Tunisian security forces in their Arab spring transition. Through retraining, they moved away from being a symbol of the old regime by gaining the capability to handle demonstrations without lethal force. Such newfound restraint played a part in the general success of their most recent election.

When asked what inspired him to go into this line of work, Tony pointed to his own Fellowship in South Africa at the end of apartheid. It opened his eyes and fired his interest in human rights policy making. In the spirit of the Human Rights Fellowship, he has continued in public service from then until now.

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Help Support us on Give to the Max Day!

Help us build on our 25-year legacy of advancing human rights through research, education, and training in the U.S. and around the world.

For 25 years, the Human Rights Center has carried out its mission to work locally, nationally, and internationally to provide training, educational materials, and assistance to professionals, students, and volunteers working to promote and protect human rights. We are dedicated to the human rights movement’s larger goal of creating a culture of equality, justice, and respect. Housed in the University of Minnesota Law School, the Human Rights Center operates at the nexus of theory and practice in the belief that strong scholarship and practical field work in human rights symbiotically enrich the quality of both.

 You can visit our Give to the Max Day page here: http://givemn.razoo.com/story/Hrc-25th

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